Project Team - COMIFAC

Martin Tadoum

Martin Tadoum has been since 2008 the Deputy Executive Secretary of COMIFAC in charge particularly of the technical coordination of projects and programmes under COMIFAC. He was during 2004 and 2008 the technical adviser at the COMIFAC secretariat office. He holds a MSc on natural resources planning and management and is also an Engineer in forestry sciences. M. Tadoum has coordinated a lot of projects and studies funded by different partners (World Bank, AfDB, UNEP, FAO, France, GIZ, KFW, WWF) in the central Africa region about sustainable forest management and the environment. Martin leads the implementation of the project in the COMIFAC region.

Michel Ndjatsana

Michel Ndjatsana is the current COMIFAC Environmental Expert. With a dual training as forester and agronomist, he is in charge of the activities related to UNFCCC within the COMIFAC secretariat. He has been the COMIFAC focal point for the one-year project funded by the World Bank about the impact of development trajectories on the Congo Basin forest cover by 2030. This project was carried out by IIASA in 2010 and yielded the first version of the CongoBiom model. For the REDD-PAC project, Michel is in charge of the relation with the experts and researchers at the country level and the organization of regional meetings.

Chouaibou Nchoutpouen

Chouaibou Nchoutpouen has been the officer in charge of biodiversity in the COMIFAC secretariat since 2008. He has a Master degree in forestry sciences and agroforestry. He is working on all biodiversity issues in the central Africa region and has participated to many regional workshop on biodiversity safeguards in the REDD+ context. For the REDD-PAC project, C. Nchoutpouen will ensure the follow-up of the analysis on biodiversity safeguards.

Peguy Tonga

Peguy Tonga Ketchatang is the current COMIFAC policy land use expert. He holds a master degree in forestry sciences and biodiversity. He is working on land-use policies in the ten member countries of the COMIFAC. He has a lot of work experience on REDD+ issues, including climate change, forestry linkages and policies discussion. For the REDD-PAC project, Peguy will be the main contact point in the Congo Basin, lead the REDD-PAC regional activities (including modeling purposes), and participate in the coordination of the REDD-PAC national activities, in collaboration with various national and international partners.

Valerie Tite Tchuante

Valerie Tite Tchuante is the monitoring-evaluation expert within the COMIFAC secretariat since 2007. He is a forestry Engineer and has a professional degree in environment. He is in charge of the follow-up of regional projects and initiatives related to the COMIFAC convergence Plan. For the REDD-PAC project, V. Tchuante will work closer with his colleagues in charge of biodiversity and climate change in order to follow the implementation of the project in the Congo Basin.

Didier Bokelo Bile

Didier Bokelo Bile is agricultural engineer by training, with vast experience in spatial analysis of forest and land cover, strategic planning of land use and monitoring & verification using GIS. Since 2006 he has conducted a study on monitoring of forest fire detection on a daily basis in collaboration with the University of Maryland and Catholic University of order to evaluate the impact of the landscape and land use program on land use change in Equateur province, DRC. .He contributed as co-author in 2006 and 2008 version of "State of Forests in the Congo Basin". For REDD-PAC, D. Bokelo Bile is the National Modelling Expert for the REDD-PAC project in DRC.

Roland Gyscard N'Dinga

Having a background in forest sciences, Roland Gyscard N'Dinga is today responsible for the Financial Unit at the National REDD Coordination (CN-REDD) of the Republic of Congo with emphasis on the Financing Facility of the World Bank and the Regional REDD+ Project with COMIFAC. With a Master's in Public Governance and Economics and a Master's in International Economic Relations, he worked more than five years as a Lecturer in Microeconomics at the University Marien NGOUABI. He is also lecturer in International Trade, resulting in the publication of several studies including the establishment of the Master Company Population and Development in collaboration with the Centre for Population and Development (CEPED) of the Sorbonne University, Paris. For the REDD-PAC project, R. GYSCARD N'DINGA is the national modeling expert for the Republic of Congo.

Adeline Carine Makoudjou

Adeline Carine Makoudjou is the national modeling expert for Cameroon at COMIFAC. Her background is in statistics and economics. After an internship at CIFOR, she started focusing on using statistics and economics for solving environmental and forest related issues. She has practical experience in surveys implementation, data collection, data processing, and analysis as well as in modeling. For the REDD-PAC project, Adeline will model scenarios related to the the land-based sectors and refine IIASA's GLOBIOM model for the Cameroonian context.

Project Partners

International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis

National Institute for Space Research - Brazil

Commission des forets d'Afrique Centrale/Central African Forests Commission

United Nations Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre

Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada

Funding Organization

Germany International Climate Initiative

Endorsed by

Global Land Project