REDD+, Bioenergy and CCS side event in COP-18

The REDD-PAC project team, represented by Florian Kraxner (IIASA) participated in a side event in Climate Change COP-18 in Doha, held 4 December 2012. The side event hightlighted possible sinergies between REDD+, bioenergy and carbon capture and storage.

The side event is motivated by aspirations to reduce emissions from deforestation and degradation in emerging economies such as Brazil and Indonesia. These reductions are closely linked through synergies and opportunities of developing bioenergy potentials. There is a potential for a win-win strategy providing energy security, economic development and climate change mitigation.

Combining bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS) can on top of this lead to negative emissions thus improving the bargaining situation of tropical forest countries in climate negotiations, generating early mover advantages in terms of technology and producing important co-benefits for e.g. the conservation of biodiversity when powered by REDD+ schemes. This side event discussed the REDD+/BECCS nexus and identified funding synergies enabling a full exploitation of these opportunities.

  • Agenda.
  • 10:00 Opening and presentation of objectives and side event structure. Agung Wicaksono, Indonesian National Committee for IIASA.
    10:05 Indonesia's REDD experiences and aspiration. Kuntoro Mangkusubroto, head of Indonesia REDD+ Task Force.
    10:25 Global and regional REDD+: implications for ecosystems services and bioenergy. Florian Kraxner, Ecosystems Services and Management Program, IIASA.
    10:40 The importance of bioenergy with Carbon Capture for Climate Change Mitigation. Philippe Benoit, head of Energy Efficiency and Environment Division, IEA.
    10:50 Combining Bioenergy with CCS: challenges, opportunities, co-benefits. Sabine Fuss, Ecosystems Services and Management Program, IIASA.
    11:00 Incentivizing BECCS: Implications for REDD. John Ward, director of Vivid Economics.
    11:10 Moderated Panel Discussion with all presenters. Agung Wicaksono.,
    11:25 Wrapping up and main messages.
  • Poster.
  • Project Partners

    International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis

    National Institute for Space Research - Brazil

    Commission des forets d'Afrique Centrale/Central African Forests Commission

    United Nations Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre

    Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada

    Funding Organization

    Germany International Climate Initiative

    Endorsed by

    Global Land Project