REDD-PAC annual meeting in Laxenburg

29-31 October 2012

The project held its annual meeting at IIASA headquarters in Laxenburg, Austria from 29 to 31 October 2012.Representatives from all partners (COMIFAC, IIASA, IPEA, INPE, UNEP-WCMC) participated. This three-day meeting was an excellent opportunity to jointly discuss scientific, technical and policy issues relevant to the project. In addition, all partners reported on their work progress and the events they had attended. The meeting finally lead to a time-schedule for the upcoming project year.

First results for a 'non-additional policy scenario' in the Democratic Republic of Congo will be presented at the UNFCCC COP18 in Doha in November 2012. Tentative regional results for Brazil and the Congo Basin, based on new land-use data and including the assessment of a set of relevant policy scenarios, will be available before the end of 2013.

  • Meeting agenda.
  • Meeting presentations

    Alexandre Ywata (IPEA) - Policy instruments and institutional arrangements into GLOBIOM

    Pedro Andrade (INPE) - Strategy for tool integration

    Aline Soterroni and Victor Maus (INPE) - Time series analysis

    Project Partners

    International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis

    National Institute for Space Research - Brazil

    Commission des forets d'Afrique Centrale/Central African Forests Commission

    United Nations Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre

    Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada

    Funding Organization

    Germany International Climate Initiative

    Endorsed by

    Global Land Project