The project's Advisory Board will meet for the first time on 14th October in Laxenburg, Austria, to review the results achieved so far and provide external guidance to the future strategy of REDD-PAC. The board is composed of five high-level experts in the field of REDD+.

Thelma Krug INPE

Valerie Merckx EU REDD Facility

Alexander Lotsch The World Bank

Ewald Rametsteiner FAO

Michael Huettner IKI

Advisory Board - Meeting Agenda

Meeting presentations

Michael Obersteiner (IIASA) - Introduction and project background

Gilberto Camara (INPE) - GLOBIOM Brazil

Aline Mosnier (IIASA) - REDD-PAC in the Congo Basin

Project Partners

International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis

National Institute for Space Research - Brazil

Commission des forets d'Afrique Centrale/Central African Forests Commission

United Nations Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre

Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada

Funding Organization

Germany International Climate Initiative

Endorsed by

Global Land Project