At the beginning of June 2014 researches from UNEP-WCMC, INPE and IPEA held a meeting with colleagues from the Ministry of Environment (MMA) in Brasilia.

Presentations were given on the main aims of the REDD-PAC Project, land use change modelling and GLOBIOM and the biodiversity assessment methods in REDD-PAC. This was accompanied by an open discussion on the issues with the MMA colleagues present.

In the afternoon more detailed discussion were held on the key issues for developing the biodiversity assessment, including

-The role of protected areas within the model

-Land use categories and land use change rules within the model

-Forest regeneration

-Scenarios and policy options which will be explored using the GLOBIOM model

The meeting highlighted the importance of the institutionalization of the work, including ensuring that the results are usable and understandable by MMA staff.

Meeting Presentation

Rebecca Mant (UNEP-WCMC) - Biodiversity assessment methods in REDD-PAC

Project Partners

International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis

National Institute for Space Research - Brazil

Commission des forets d'Afrique Centrale/Central African Forests Commission

United Nations Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre

Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada

Funding Organization

Germany International Climate Initiative

Endorsed by

Global Land Project