REDD-PAC kick-off meeting in Brazil

22-24 May 2012, INPE, Sao Jose dos Campos

This workshop launched the REDD-PAC research project in Brazil. The Brazilian partners met the teams for IIASA and WCMC/UNEP. Together, they set up the detailed agenda for the activities of the REDD-PAC project in Brazil in 2012.,

Workshop Presentations

Geraldine Bocqueho (IIASA) - REDD-PAC project overview

Florian Kraxner (IIASA) - Overview of tools, data and approaches of IIASA

Aline Mosnier (IIASA) - Overview of the GLOBIOM model

Hugo Valin (IIASA) - Experience with GLOBIOM for climate change policies

Juraj Balkovic (IIASA) - EPIC modeling of crop production systems

Valerie Kapos (UNEP WCMC) - Tools, data and approaches for meeting biodiversity objectives through REDD+.

Ana Paula Aguiar (INPE) - Land use change modeling tools at INPE

Pedro Andrade (INPE) - TerraME

Bernardo Rudorff (INPE) - Monitoring of the agricultural production in Brazil using remote sensing images

Project Partners

International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis

National Institute for Space Research - Brazil

Commission des forets d'Afrique Centrale/Central African Forests Commission

United Nations Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre

Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada

Funding Organization

Germany International Climate Initiative

Endorsed by

Global Land Project